Rust (or Rust Town, Rustville, and
many others, no official naming)
sits about 2 hours down The Phobos from New Hades, where it finally meets the
North Sea. Originally, during the Storms of '55, hundreds of metal containers
were washed downstream from the Scraplands, ending up at this beach. Refugees
quickly lay claim to these, and turned into something that could theoretically
be called a settlement. There is no law, no rules, but it just seems to
work. Things are kept low-tech on purpose, to keep the Corps at bay. As a
neutral port, and maritime gateway to New Hades, it works splendidly.
The Adventure
two miles-long excavated asteroid, The Adventure is
a O'Neill cylinder, a space station in the shape of a long cylinder,
filled with air, and rotating to simulate gravity. The inhabitants live on
the inside surface, that has grasslands, fields and water features, simulating
an Earth-like habitat. At the moment, The Adventure and its
still incomplete sister ship, The Wisdom are in low Earth
orbit, but with plans of moving it to other places in the system. It the
crown jewel of Eclipse, Inc.
was built in neutral ground in Scandinavia, with people from a lot of
neighbouring countries. In common, they had their neutrality and wish to be
left alone, or, if not possible, to not make things worse. They quickly became
the finantial and trade hub for what is left of Western Europe, and a major
link to CenEuro (the political union of central European states).
With no war, minimal Corp influence and neutrality, it is today one of the
richest and most peaceful places on Earth
York (The Big
Corpse, The Rotting Apple)
the Black Spot epidemic of 2032 and the subsequent evacuation, New York was
never the same again. The Storms of '55 further damaged
the infrastructure to a point where the city was deemed
non-recoverable by the Corps. Nothing is currently known about it: state of
decay, inhabitants or structural stability.
Atlantica (New Atlantis, SeaTown)
series of floating facilities off the Western European coast. Of
different sizes, purposes and intentions, they are
often referred to collectively.
Lusitania (The
Billion Isles, The Billions)
accidental detonation of an experimental Peterson Heavy industries mega-weapon
caused havoc in the northern parts of Portugal and Spain. Although the damage
to the geological coastline was extensive, for reasons unknow the ecosystem
bounced back in a mere decade. The Billions are now some of the richest fishing
fields in the world and are dotted with dozens of both big and small villages.
one would have believed, a mere 50 years before, that the capital of Chad would
be on the richest and more affluent places on Earth. Saved from some
of the worst horrors of the War, by both centrality and lack of high-tech
targets, the country reinvented itself as a safe haven. Its military was
redeployed simply on border patrol. Once a stable core had been established, it
expanded, linking together a number of other African countries
into AfriCap. Though by no means an utopia, and with considerable Corps
influence, it is still a relatively safe and please place.
Selene City focus on connecting with other Solar System locations, and Port
Armstrong is the heavy industry / food production site, Shackleton base is
without a doubt the New Frontier of Near-Earth space. Underneath this Lunar
South Polar crater there are billions of tons of ice, unusually rich in
Helium-3 (the isotope used in the ubiquitous fusion reactors). Any
miner from the Old American West in the 1850s would recognise this place
instantly: rough miners, underground shantitowns appearing overnight, illegal
mining operations. Eclipse, Inc. rules with an iron fist, but as long and the
quotas of mined ice are kept, they are happy to turn a blind eye.
The Takai Unmei (High Destiny)
apple in Koruachi Corps. eye. A giant space station, in low Earth orbit.
According to the public blueprints, it is the smallest space-borne vehicle to
be self sufficient in oxygen, water and food.
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